Some time back, I was looking out the window, when I suddenly sensed the Lord speaking to me. It wasn't an audible voice. But unexpectedly, in my heart, I heard Him say, "I can't wait until you get here and I can show you around heaven." At first my response was, "I hope You aren't trying to tell me something, because I have to raise all these kids!" I also was surprised because I hadn't been thinking of heaven and it was such a personal statement. I always feel I am the least in the kingdom of God. Of course, that isn't an accurate statement for any of us. The Lord has been teaching me that. But I was taken by surprise nonetheless.
I also had a quick, vivid picture in my mind. It was not a vision, not a dream, just a quick mental picture. I saw myself in a beautiful, sparkling gown (not a robe) and Jesus bounding down the steps to greet me. (I could use the word "running" down the steps, but it was definitely "bounding") I was so happy and He was so happy. In an instant, the picture was gone, but I was left with such a feeling of joy that He felt that way towards me.
You know how it is. We often tend to fall into the trap of, "He loves me if..." If I do this, say this, perform this correctly. That is never the way it is. He loves us with such a yearning love and one that can't be earned. A love that we will not fully experience in our natural human relationships, though I believe they are an example of what God feels towards us.
I've often read books or stories of people who have been to heaven and returned. It has been hard for them to come back here. I understand a little bit of that now. I think that once we have seen Him and really know how He has loved us, we would never want to return either. Even though we have the earthly ties of husbands, children, and loved ones, it will never compare to the love He has for us. There is also no way to compare the way Jesus knows us. He knows our personalities and our hearts the way no one else possibly can. He's seen us cry when no one else has known. He remembers our prayers - even if we have forgotten what we prayed with such earnest hearts many years ago. He sees the unique way that we look at life and I think, laughs at our sense of humor. You are someone He wants to be with.
When our son passed away unexpectedly, a friend at Teen Challenge gave us a card with a verse she had read that very morning. I've always kept that card because it simply amazed me. It said, "and when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face." (Psalm 17:15) That is such a beautiful way the scripture states this truth...I will be fully satisfied for I will see you face to face. I know the Lord wanted us to see that and be at peace.
Even though life has its hardships, its ups and downs, and all its uncertainties, one thing is sure. I think God counts down the days until we walk into heaven and says, "Finally! You are here at last!" That is the way He feels about you.