
Sunday, March 2, 2014

About This Blog

Hi! I hope this post finds you all well!

I am writing to share with you that I am a little unsure of what direction to take this blog. I love writing, but haven't had a lot of time to consistently devote to writing.

Sometimes, I know exactly what God wants me to share. There are other times, that I am not sure at all! I want to make this blog count and in some small way, minister to those of you that take the time to read.

This little blog also shows up on our church website (  I think that has made me feel a little stilted in writing. Sometimes I've shared deep things from my heart or hard experiences we have went through, and other times things that are more light and not serious at all. I'm always aware of people looking for a church, coming across our church's website, and perhaps finding my blog. That may sound kind of silly that this would even concern me, but it is always in the back of my mind. I want to represent our church well, but it also makes it harder for me to just write what I might be feeling on any given day.

I'd like to continue highlighting testimonies of people that I know and that I'd like you to know, too. I have also enjoyed these fashion link ups with other bloggers. It's kind of crazy because that has never been "me" in the past. But I have so enjoyed meeting young moms through this. I am a lot older than most moms who link up, but it has been lots of fun meeting them.

I was reading an article this morning about blogging and it posed the question of, "What are you most passionate about?" The article pointed out this this is a good indication of what you should be writing about. I thought about it this morning and then was about to talk with my husband, Dave, about it. I couldn't even get out my first sentence because of all this sudden EMOTION. I cried because in my deepest heart of hearts, I want to encourage other moms - especially those who may be struggling. I want so much to encourage, encourage, encourage them!

I'm not really even sure HOW! But I am willing for God to show me.

Would you pray that God would make it very clear to me as to what He wants me to do and how to even do it? I really would appreciate it.

I bless each one of you reading this today!


  1. This post resonates with questions I've been asking, and encourages me sooo much. Thank you so much for sharing your process. A friend of mine speaks on finding your dream, and he always says to pay attention to the things that make you laugh and make you cry. Every time I see Miss Grace Filled life in my Inbox, I do a little happy dance. Thanks for encouraging this momma today. You're AWESOME. ;-)

    1. Thank you, Angela. That is good advice. You are always such an encouragement:)

  2. Hi Kathy,
    My advice is to sit down at your keyboard and ask God to guide your words and you will be amazed at what you might write under his guidance! things you may not of even thought of!
    I have found myself in that position since December when a very Dear friend who loves and is so faithful to the Lord found herself in need and another Dear Friend that I only in the last few weeks found out also had this same need of Hope and Encouragement, this is a small ministry that the Lord has given me. I am so honored! But at the same time I like you was wondering what in the world to write! So I just said, God, you put their need for Hope and encouragement on my heart, so what in the world do you want me to convey to them!!! It has turned out to be daily texts ( I hate texting!) but this seems to be the best way to get the word to them. And each and every morning and sometimes the night before he will give me what we need! My friends tell me they look so forward to each morning for those words, and more importantly how they speak to their need that day! I am still in awe at some of the things that I write along with a scripture, because they have to be from God! not me! I am not a prolific writer. But you on the other hand have a wonderful Blog ministry that reaches so many...and you do a wonderful job at it. He has been guiding you all along and will confident that he will never lead you to write or share anything that would not bring him honor and glory...your personal stories are your greatest witness to others.... Now that being said, I never! intended to write all of this! I hope this will be encouragement to you and we will give him all the honor and glory...Debbi Saunders Orlando, Fl. God Bless

    1. Thanks so much, Debbi! I really appreciate your kind words. I will give a lot of thought to what you shared:)

    2. P.S. What a wonderful ministry the Lord has given you in the area of encouragment:)

  3. Will definitely say a prayer, I can understand your concern. I have a personal blog as well that maybe someone, some day will stumble across and and find it to be helpful or even touch their life in some way because they can relate to my personal stories. I just recently found your blog and have read yours several times within the last few months. I always find interest in other people's personal lives and how they respond or try and explain their daily life and experiences to others. So I know I enjoy reading but I will definitely say a prayer that God gives you that confirmation or direction that you need and are wanting! :-)

  4. Just so you know, I really enjoy all your design posts as well as the heartfelt pieces. Inspiration or design uplifts my day and it can be motivating. Really Kathy, I don't think you could go wrong whatever you decide to write. You have my attention :) - Ashley VZ

  5. Dear Ashley, I was so touched by your note that I showed it to Dave. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart!


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