
Thursday, April 4, 2013

What's the Soundtrack to Your Life?

Have you ever thought what it would be like if there was background music to our daily lives? I have comical thoughts like that from time to time.

Such as when I'm going into our laundry room...

Well, that might be too scary. I think I just scared myself.
But sometimes when I want to sit down and write, I do use music to help me put my thoughts on paper.
One of my very favorites is the soundtrack to the movie Little Women (Wynona Ryder version).
It is so beautiful.
Gone with the Wind also has a beautiful theme song.
So does Gladiator.
 "Latika's Theme" from the movie Slumdog Millionaire is another favorite.

 My son votes for Mission Impossible. Hmmm...that would work on days when I can't seem to get ahead of the housework:)

One last one is the song "Worthy of It All". This is a clip of that song. Jesus is what makes life have any meaning at all.
What about you? What songs would you choose for your life?
*All video clips courtesy of Youtube
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  1. I just asked a group of women what would the song be if their life were a movie or a TV show. We had lots of fun answers!

    Visiting through Imparting Grace.

    1. Hi Sharon,
      That is so fun! Thanks for sharing. That would be interesting to hear:)
      Blessings! - Kathy

  2. Our daughter has always said she wishes she had a soundtrack to follow her around in her daily life. I think "Redeemed" by Big Daddy Weave would be a good choice. I love a variety of music and think having different songs to fit different aspects would be great. Your choice for the laundry room is too funny!

    1. LOL, yes, it definitely fits! Thanks for writing, Mindy. I will have to listen to the song you mentioned:)

  3. This is an interesting idea and would be a great journaling project. Given me something to think about! BTW-I love Father of the Bride, too!

    1. Hi Susan! Thank you for writing. It is so GOOD to find someone else who loves Father of the Bride. My kids say they grew up watching it with me. I enjoyed reading your "about" section of your blog. Thanks again!

  4. What a great thought. It does seem that I do have a song following me in my life. If I will listen to my heart there is a melody. When I am going through something there is a little song that is always there "My father watches over me" and "His eye is on the sparrow". Most mornings I wake to a song going on of isn't one I've heard is just there. The Lord speaks to me through the songs in my heart...I just need to be quiet and listen.

    1. It does seem there are songs that follow us in our lives. Everyone's must be a litte bit different. That's what makes us all so interesting. Thank you for writing!


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